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Short short e-books (10min to read) of Beatrix Potter

Beatrix Potter's 3 free short short e-books (10min to read) in Project Gutenberg sorted by popularity.

(showing books with 1,501 to 3,000 words. Time-to-read is calcurated by 300 words per minutes)
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
Time to Read
In the time of swords and periwigs and full-skirted coats with flowered lappets--when gentlemen wore ruffles, and gold-laced waistcoats of paduasoy and taffeta--there lived a tailor in Gloucester.
Author of "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" etc.
_Author of_ _"The Tale of Peter Rabbit," &c._ _Pussy-cat sits by the fire--how should she be fair?_ _In walks the little dog--says "Pussy are you there?_ _How do you do Mistress Pussy?
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