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Long novel e-books (over 3h to read) of Robert Browning

Robert Browning's 2 free long novel e-books (over 3h to read) in Project Gutenberg sorted by popularity.

(showing books with more than 54,001 words. Time-to-read is calcurated by 300 words per minutes)
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
Time to Read
I. FOURTH IMPRESSION LONDON SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 15 WATERLOO PLACE 1900 [Illustration: Robert Browning from an oil painting by Gordigiani] NOTE In considering the question of publishi...
Edited, with an Introduction by MYRA REYNOLDS Professor of English Literature in the University of Chicago [Illustration: ROBERT BROWNING] Scott, Foresman and Company Chicago Atlanta Ne...
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