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Long novel e-books (over 3h to read) of Arlo Bates

Arlo Bates's 10 free long novel e-books (over 3h to read) in Project Gutenberg sorted by popularity.

(showing books with more than 54,001 words. Time-to-read is calcurated by 300 words per minutes)
Showing 1 - 10 of 10 items
Time to Read
I WHAT LITERATURE IS As all life proceeds from the egg, so all discussion must proceed from a definition.
TALKS ON WRITING ENGLISH I THE ART OF WRITING Into all productive art enter two sorts of power, that which is communicable and that which is incommunicable,--in other words, that which may b...
I Henry IV.; v.--I. When Arthur Fenton, the most outspoken of all that band of protesting spirits who had been so well known in artistic Boston as the Pagans, married Edith Caldwell, there had bee...
I. He lay upon an old-fashioned bedstead whose carved quaintness would once have pleased him, but to which he was now indifferent.
LOVE IN A CLOUD I THE MISCHIEF OF A MAID "No, my dear May, I positively will not hear another word about 'Love in a Cloud.'
I AFTER SUCH A PAGAN CUT Henry VIII., i. 3. "We are all the children of the Puritans," Mrs. Herman said smiling.
Measure for Measure, v--i. A fine, drizzling rain was striking against the windows of a cosy third floor sitting-room, obscuring what in pleasant weather was a fine distant view of the Charles ri...
I JANUARY January 1. How beautiful the world is!
INDEX 245 TALKS ON TEACHING LITERATURE I THE PROBLEM Few earnest teachers of literature have escaped those black moments when it seems perfectly evi...
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